Back when I was doing all the Ultimate 10/22 builds, I felt like I was rushing a bit to get through some of those builds and reviews, however after looking back I had some favorite components. One of the builds I did not get to work up was a high precision long range 10/22 with higher magnification optic and one specifically setup for long range rimfire field work. In all those previous builds I used more reasonably powered optics which matched to the typical sub-50 yard ranges shot with a .22LR.

Boyds Pro Varmint Stock - Of all the stocks I tested, the Boyds Pro Varmint (previously named the Tacticool) delivered the most comfortable stock to lay down or sit behind. At only $100 for a laminated 10/22 stock, it is a very hard stock to beat and one which is ready to paint. I chose to create a simple and easy Krylon Camo paint job and then coated it with multiple coats of spray lacquer to add a durable topcoat with protection against harsh cleaning chemicals. I have used this technique before and it has proven to be a great option for colorizing and painting a stock. The final finish turned out great and looks awesome with the all blacked out components.
Feddersen 10/22 Barrel - I have heard many precision .22LR shooters claim that 18”, 20”, or 22” barrels will shoot better than my prefered 16.25” barrel length. That may be true with some barrels however I was already shooting essentially single hole .2X”-.3x” groups at 50-yards with all my other Feddersen 16.25” barrel guns with plain old CCI Standard Velocity ammo. I also have an 18” Feddersen barreled 10/22 and I technically the 16.25” shoots better for me. It makes it hard to justify a longer 2”-6” barrel length, added weight and decreased maneuverability. The Feddersen barrels are not picky about ammo either where I found that most other tight grouping match barrels do not necessarily shot the high velocity ammo as well as match spec standard velocity ammo. Feddersen barrel shoot the extremely hot CCI Velocitor .22LR ammo exceptionally well even shoot other HV rounds very well which of course is what you want when you are building a longer range gun that can reach beyond the 50 or 100 yard mark. Feddersen offers many options including including flat basic blue finish, threading, and fluting. I choose the 16.25” barrel fluted and threaded in the basic flat blued finish.
Timney Trigger Unit - There are a several great triggers on the market including Kidd, Volquartsen, Force, and a few others however for a fielded trigger, I really like the Timney 10/22 trigger’s sub-3lb trigger. It is crisp but not so light that it creates worries in the field. The entire assembly replaces the stock Ruger 10/22 assembly with just two pins. In this case I pinned up the Timney trigger unit to the Magnum Research receiver. The Timney 10/22 trigger delivers auto-bolt release functionality as well as a precision all billet aluminum trigger assembly and extended magazine release oaired with an exceptional trigger. If you want to get fancy, Timney also has silver anodized frames with various trigger shoe colors. For this build I stuck with basic black.

PWS CQB Brake - One of my primary concerns was that I really did not want to wear ear protection in the field, however I didn’t want to be exposed to the snap of the .22LR round either. The .22LR round already has such a mild report from a rifle that many people do not use hearing protection, however I wanted to be extra cautious. Most people immediately think of increasing barrel length or using a suppressor to reduce noise levels, however frankly I didn’t want the paperwork headache or the added barrel length.

One of the unique and newer products on the market are modern AR15 pistol Krinkov style muzzle brakes. These new updated style of chambered brake have shown to deliver three basic features; a braking effect, added cycling back pressure, and physical redirection of the harsher concussive blast forward of the shooter. Performance-wise there is one big difference between this style brake and a suppressor, they do not reduce/quiet the front of muzzle sound level and from my experience can make it even louder up front. The sound level is still there just going a different direction and the reason why they do not fall under a sound reduction device according to the ATF.
Since I could care less about increased sound levels down range and these devices are perfectly legal to purchase right off the shelf it seemed like the perfect fit for this build. One of my favorites of this new Krink design is the CQB from Primary Weapons Systems. This brake works wonders to push the deafening AR15 pistol blast forward away from the shooter and I thought it would be an interesting use here. Using a smartphone app, I did some informal sound level testing and it would appear that adding the brake actually increases the front of the muzzle sound levels on the .22LR, however behind the gun the report was noticeably reduced to a level where I would feel very comfortable not using ear plugs. On this build I did not see a zero shift without without the CQB brake installed. The brake is heavy especially for a .22LR build and I would not use it on all builds, however in this specific build it works outstanding.

The power and clarity of this Nikon Monarch optic deliver down range big time. I have bested my best groups with my other Feddersen barrels and was shocked at my 100-yard groups due to the magnification advantage, but more on that in a minute. The only limited factor of this optic which would make me consider a lower power option for a .22LR is that is that the side focus only really allows clear focus down to the 50-yard line, so this optic does make short shots less precise and challenging.
This build is extremely stable and solid in the prone position or off the bench. That stability equals accuracy down range. All the little things add up on this build from the Boyds Stock to the Timney trigger, Feddersen barrel, Magnum Research bolt and receiver, PWS compensator, and Nikon optic. Every component on this build adds up the single most precise 10/22 rifle I own and also on of the most pleasant to shoot.

This 10/22 build delivers everything I could possible want for a precision sniper style fielded gun. It has the durability to put up with bumps and bruises of the field and the precision to really reach out more accurately and further down range far beyond what most consider the 10/22 capable of. None of the previously tested parts on this build were a surprise with the exception of adding the PWS CQB compensator. For the shooter the CQB brake makes shooting all that more pleasant, however at the front of the muzzle it may get a little more noisey, but that is OK. It is not acting as a supressor, however it does what I needed it to which is redirect the sound pressure away from me. The PWS CQB does the job it was intended to do and all for far less than what a $200 tax stamp plus a $200-$300 supressor. The build has been amazing and I cannot wait until a nice sunny and warm spring day to really see how far this build can shoot.
Feddersen 16.25” Blued Fluted and Threaded 10/22 Barrel - $190
Timeny 10/22 Match Trigger - $220
Boyd’s Stock Pro Varmint Stock - $99
Magnum Research Bolt $60 & MLR22-ATU receiver (Estimate $175)
Primary Weapons Systems CQB Compensator - $120
Nikon Monarch 8-32 ED - $700
Feddersen -
Timney Triggers -
Boyd Stocks -
Nikon Optics -
Magnum Research -
Primary Weapons Systems - PWS - PWS -