Almost thirty years ago, Glock entered the market with a polymer pistol design which disrupted and challenged everything we thought we knew about modern pistol design. Even way before that industry shaking event, H&K offered their VP70 back in the 1970's which delivered a very high capacity polymer framed design.

Glocks never have been the most ergonomic, pretty, or wonderfully fit pistols on the market, however owners could count on them going bang every single time even if frozen, coated in mud, or even after being shot with a shotgun. Glock safety, durability, and reliability is legendary and they continue to deliver those goals over and over again with exceptional service. It took little time for people to start customizing Glocks to improve comfort and ergonomics. Competitors took notice of these improvements and began offering pistols which included these upgrades right out of the box. More and more polymer framed pistol competitors jumped onto the scene.

Oddly enough, almost thirty years later, a trip to any gun shop will validate that metal framed pistols are now the minority and polymer framed pistols now rule the market. In fact outside of the 1911 market, Sig Sauer is one of the few manufacturers who concentrate almost solely on metal framed pistols.

Most believe that all the polymer pistols are all the same and therefore are all striker fired, however that could not be further from the truth. Many... many of the striker fired pistol do feature an action similar to the original Glock design however due to patent protection, there are obviously differences which each manufacturer claims to be better in some way.
Functionality is similar, but not the same. Some polymer framed pistols look like striker fired pistols, but are new hybrids such as the Walther PPX which is hammer fired, but mechanically operates like a striker fired pistol. Kahr for example actually has one of the simplest striker fired designs on the market with very few parts in their pistols. Smith & Wesson made a bold leap into the market with a set of very ergonomic pistol designs based on their own take on striker firing, however unfortunately had some early reliability issues which hurt them from a sales perspective long term. H&K has two very unique designs in the double action-single action P30 hammer fired pistol and the new VP90 striker fired design. Crack open one of the VP90 and you see one very unique striker fired design which is beefy to the max. To the untrained eye the internals of most pistols such as a Walther PPQ look mighty similar to the internals of a Glock.
Completely new polymer framed pistol companies have emerged such as Diamondback which have been reported to offer inexpensive reliability. Kahr's new CM-series offers shooters a reliable well made sub-$300 gun option as does Walther with the PPX line. Even the old and very inexpensive Hi Point pistols have held up admirably and have been reported to deliver exceptional reliability. Keltec's designs have always been unique and they have delivered not only a huge line of rifles in polymer, but pistols as well.
Meanwhile it seemed Glock was still beating its own unique solid gold drum with offering marginally upgraded versions of its Gen 2 pistols all while still maintaining magazine compatibility from its Gen 1 to Gen 4 designs which made people very happy. A giant Glock upgrade for example was changing the grip texture' adding finger grooves, or swappable back straps. I think the key to Glock's success is that they had a great timeless design which needed very little updating to stay current.
The sale of sub-micro compact .380 ACP DAPP's (Dinky Ass Polymer Pistols) soared as more and more states began offering concealed carry permits and as more and more women entered the gun market. Keltec's original innovative little .380 design was closely imitated by Ruger, S&W, and others. Ruger for example could not keep enough LCP .380 pistols on the shelves and today, it still remains an enormously popular Ruger model. Same goes for S&W's Bodyguard pistol. These tiny little DAPP's were loud barking uncomfortably shooting handfuls if you actually had to shoot them.
Glock of course again went in a different direction with a Walther PPK sized Glock 42 chambered in .380 ACP. The compact single stack size was just big enough to be super controllable, easy to handle, and soft recoiling but still small enough to conceal easily on the female body. It has been one of the hottest selling pistols of 2014 and wildly popular with both CCW (concealed carry) female and male shooters.
2012 and 2013 were also the years for many... many sub-compact single stock 9mm pistols from a wide range of manufacturers. Some of my favorites were the Kahr CM9, Walther PPS, and Ruger LC9. These tiny little 9mm pistols delivered the promise of 9mm power in a compact .380 format, which rivaled the size and power of subby revolvers, but with more firepower.
For me, some of the most interesting polymer pistol designs have been around delivering superior shooter comfort, ergonomics, and trigger feel. The ergonomics and comfort of the H&K and Walther pistols are just amazing. The triggers on these two brands are among the best in the industry. Heated arguments could be had whether the trigger on the H&K VP90 or Walther PPQ is better. In either case, these pistols represent an enormous improvement to what people expect from a striker fired pistol. Actually in many ways both the VP90 and PPQ offer all the upgrades and modifications you wanted on your Glock including an overall more contoured pistol, more comfortable concealed carry, improved ergonomics and ambidextrous controls, improved accuracy, customizable grip width and backstraps for the most comfortable grips in the industry, a fair amount more style, and of course the sublime triggers. I believe these pistols both offer a fundamental shift of what we have come to expect from polymer pistols.
The point is that we as gun people have moved over the last 2-3 decades from shuning polymer to becoming polymer gun people. As I look forward how much of our gun parts might become generally accepted as being made of something other than metal. If we look where we have come from, expecting a completely non-metallic gun in the next ten years is not that much of an jump of the imagination.