I first saw the Swab Its at the 2015 SHOT Show and simply didn’t get the concept of them - hmm disposable foam bore cleaners. Yeah the concept was cool, however I wondered why anyone would buy such an expensive single use product. Like many times in life I was totally wrong. The reality I figured out a full year later is that Swab-Its are a well made non-damaging durable plasticized foam bore cleaner which can be cleaned and continually reused many...many times over and over again. Admittedly, these have become my favorite cleaning method and now they offer a short handgun 3-in-1 Cleaning Bore Stick and AR15 Breech Cleaner.
Despite my inability to initially understand the product, the Swab Its concept it pretty cool and simple and I am lucky they kept hounding me to try them. What I thought were foam tips are actually a highly durable plastic foam which can be washed and cleaned with simple soap and water or most commercially available solvents over and over again literally over a hundred times. One of the Bore-Whips I have tortured has a little over 200 or so cleans and it is still holding up fine. If I was packing out on a hunting trip, I would not worry about anything more than one of the extremely lightweight Swab Its Bore-Whips.
The Swab-Its 3-in-1 Cleaning Bore Stick combines the plastic rod, patch and jag into one single product that can be used, cleaned and used again and again. It is a simple inexpensive all in one cleaning option for any 9mm, .380 ACP, .357 pistol or handgun. Swab-Its currently only offer the Cleaning Bore Stick in a 9mm, .380 ACP, .357 bore size but I am sure they will consider other handgun bores. In the previous products, Swab Its only offered long Bore-Whips, but these offer all those same benefits, but with a short whip/rod for handguns. This was a product I recommended to Swab Its after my initial review and I am glad they decided to product it. If you want easy and simple handgun cleaning, this is it. No need for anything other than a bottle of oil. At $9.99 for four Bore Sticks, it is a deal that is far less expensive than nearly any other option.
The AR15 Star Chamber Cleaning Swab is a Swab Its cleaning swab specifically designed for AR15 and AR10 breeches delivering 360-degree cleaning of the locking lugs and breech. Swb Its already offers precision cleaning swabs which I use all the time for getting into the nooks and crannies, however they decided to go for it and offer a swab for the AR15. This works and makes cleaning the breech and locking lugs a breeze.
The patented Swab-Its designs are not complex, but they work better than any patch or bore snake I have ever used - frankly I do not use anything else any more. I just keep cleaning them off with some mineral spirits or soap and water and keep using them. These two new products are yet another addition to these great cleaning products that will keep your firearms clean, simply, easily, and at a very low cost.
Made in USA
Swab-Its http://www.swab-its.com