When I run across products which do not follow the same beaten path and solve ongoing problems in an elegant way, I start clicking away on the keyboard. What got me all excited was my picking up my new MMC - Mennie Machine Company AR15 and finding a tight rock solid cam locking stock I had never heard of before. What I found attached was the $75 Rogers Super-Stoc which delivered something I had only seen before in stocks priced well over $100 with a matched buffer tube… this was something unique, a truly tight rattle free stock that would easily glide between settings. I like it so much I picked one up for my Black Rain Ordnance AR15 as well.
Bill Rogers is the the chief instructor at the Rogers Shooting School, is a former FBI Agent, police instructor, successful inventor, is well known in the shooting industry as an inventor and product engineer. He has been a world ranked IPSC shooter, a state trap champion, and has over 40 years of shooting competition experience. Bill has invented many of the holsters and equipment used by police and military worldwide, invented the target system and the method of instruction used at the school, and of course invented the Super-Stoc based on his vast experience and feedback from friends in the military, law enforcement, and competition community. I also learned of an awesome single point sling and gun cleaning Bore Squeeg-E system which DPMS now is also licensing for their kit, but those will be a different reviews.
The fit and finish on the Rogers Super-Stoc is every bit as good as you would find on Mission First, Magpul, or Mako however you will find extra sling mounts, two integrated QD-sling mounts, and removable butt pad. The stock itself is also lighter than most comparable stocks. The Rogers Super-Stoc also is designed to survive a 3-foot drop with a fully loaded weapon. Of note, some standard OEM stocks will not survive this test. If you had ever had a stuck bolt and needed to jackhammer the buttstock against the ground to free the bolt, you will like the confidence that a strong stock design provides.
The significant features unique to the Super-Stoc design are the included shims to allow the stock to fit smaller Mil-Spec and Larger Commercial buffer tubes and all the other loosely spec’ed buffer tube variants. Swap out the shim for a reasonably tight buffer to stock fit then the cam-lock takes over the rest. The Roger Super-Stoc aoffers the unique innovative adjustable cam-lock system which completely locks the stock down tight to the buffer tube. This system totally eliminates any rattle or wiggle and can even add strength to the overall stock/buffer tube union.
The Cam-Lock system is very simple - pull up to lock the stock in place and snap is back down to use the Quick-Release lever to change the stock position. If you are lefty, you can even switch the cam lock to the other side. I have tested and used a lot of stock and this is the ONLY adjustable buttstock that does not rattle or wiggle. Most of the time I either use a couple strips of electrical tape to take up the slop or simply throw my hands in the air and buy a matching buffer tube and stock set. The Rogers Super-Stoc skips that whole fiasco and delivers a more stable shooting platform. Honestly I had about given up and moved to Ace Stocks on my target rifles because of the added stability, but now I am busily replacing every wiggly stock with a Roger’s Super-Stoc.
Bill Rogers does a great job demonstrating his Super-Stoc in the below video, however what impressed me was that for $75, his stock does something no other stock does at any price, which is to deliver a wiggle/rattle-free fit. After testing the stock on the MMC - Mennie Machine Company AR15, I added one to my custom Black Rain Ordnance custom Fallout-15 which was a huge improvement over the rattly OEM Magpul stock. For $75 or maybe a little less out on the street, the Roger’s stock in my opinion is the best adjustable stock you can put on your AR15 period.