One of the little "features" I would like to have included on nearly every single Remington 700 Action I have ever shot with a scope is a larger bolt handle. If you want to casually shoot groups, the stock little bolt handle works well, however it you want to speed things up with really fast follow up shots, a larger bolt handle is ergonomically required.
If you want a simple $30 option for your Remington 700 action which delivers the ergonomics of a larger bolt handle without the time wasted of shipping your bolt around, the cost of the usual conversion milling, and the cost of an actual knob, the KRG is an awesome option. The Bolt Lift is available in two color options of black or tan and two bolt handle styles of stippled or ribbed.
Remington 700 SPS Tactical $650
KRG Bolt Lift $28
Remington Arms -